Resilience. Unity. Guide.

Celebrate the resilience of Afghan women, promote global unity, and guide efforts for social change.

The R.U.G. Project

This project spotlights stories of resilience among Afghan refugee women, provides resources to create unity of community, and offers guides for refugees, researchers, educators, and allies to raise awareness about the Afghan refugee experience.

R.U.G. Project Donors

Our ability to interview, transcribe, translate, and produce content on this site has been made possible thanks to the generous gifts and grants.

For each story on this site, there is about 20 hours of work, including:

  • recruiting interviewees
  • conducting interviews
  • transcribing interviews
  • translating interviews into English
  • evaluating trascripts for sensitive information
  • editing videos
  • captioning videos
  • summarizing videos and adding chapter markers
  • adding content to website

  • Rockefeller Brothers Fund Rockefeller Brothers Fund
  • Mina's List Mina's List
  • Afghan American Foundation Afghan-American Foundation
  • College of Liberal Arts at The University of Texas at Arlington UTA College of Liberal Arts

Be a part of the movement to uplift the extraordinary voices of the women of Afghanistan

In the wake of the Taliban's resurgence in #Afghanistan, the lives of countless women have been upended, their rights stripped away, and their voices silenced.

This is a critical moment to listen, to learn, and to stand with these resilient women who have endured unthinkable challenges.

The RUG Project is a beacon of hope, offering these Afghan women a platform to share their stories, their resilience, and their unwavering commitment to reclaiming their rights.

Listen as Afghanistan women refugees, through their own words, reveal the strategies they've employed to fight for a brighter future.

Mashal Roshan

Share Our Story

There are many stories of resilience among Afghan women that need to be told.

We invite you to watch the video below to learn more about our project and hear a few of the harrowing tales from Afghan women who were forced to leave their homes with little warning.

Please share this video with as many people as possible to help spread the word about the situation of Afghan women and to let others know about our project.